Monday, June 3, 2013

the calm before the storm.

I like to call today the "Calm Before the Storm" because it was truly exactly that.  This morning was beautiful!  I woke up around eight thirty and Danielle and I went for a great run toward the western side of Firenze that we had not seen yet.  Along the Arno, we passed the American Embassy (good to know) and some new Piazzas before crossing the bridge to a nice running path under some trees.  Today we got a "bravo" instead awkward glances!

The day was completely blue, barely any clouds in the sky and warm!  After showering and putting clean clothes on, Danielle, Christina, and I went out to San Lorenzo Market to look at all the leather goods and hopefully make a good purchase!  First we stopped at this sandwich place called Antico Vinaio for lunch.  The best sandwich ever!  I put a sweet pepper sauce on it with arugula fresh mozzarella and spicy salami!  It was huge and delicious!  I love food way too much... Allora, I was on the search for a black leather jacket because I had always wanted one and Italy is the perfect place to find good leather.  We checked out some of the stores behind the tented goods and different vendors who told us students get 50% off.  Now I know you usually don't listen to those type ploys, but this was legit!

My new best friend.
I finally walked into a leather shop, called Palletteria Zip, and tried on a few jackets until I put one of that spoke to me.  You know when it feels right.  The vendor told me he would sell it to me for 50% off the original price, which was two hundred euro.  NO!  Who has that kind of cash lying around anyway?  We worked out a deal with him until he continued lowering the price until it was a good deal.  He wasn't happy, but I was!  The thing about a leather jacket is that you aren't buying it to last a couple of years... it is an investment that you have to love and want for a long time.  My jacket was a great investment!

After walking out of the shop, feeling like a champ, we headed toward the shoes so Danielle could see which style she preferred when out of no where the calm dissipated and some storm swept in.  Every day the weather apps have been lying about the weather... it usually says 90% chance of rain and it NEVER does.  Today was the first time it told the truth.  Not only did it rain, it poured, and there was a great deal of thunder and lightning too!  The main difference between Italian rain and Florida rain is that in Italy, the rain is freezing!  How could it go from beautiful to rainy so fast?

Christina forgot her umbrella because we aren't used to the weather being right, so I let her use mine since she had to meet her dad's friend for lunch and I had to take off my shoes because I was wearing my white lace TOMs.  Rookie mistake.  So there was the three of us... running through Firenze.  Me shoeless hanging between Christina and Danielle's umbrellas to stay dry as we searched for the restaurant she had to meet the man at.  We got lost.  Of course.  After finding the restaurant, Danielle and I headed back to the apartment.  I have never been so drenched.  I looked like a wet cat...
The sunset looking over the Arno
When we got back, we drank some warm drinks and relaxed for a while before Danielle and I went to Conad to pick up some stuff for dinner!  We wanted to make more of those homemade pizzas with the balsamic caramelized onions and salami!  Again, it was a success!  After dinner we decided to hike up to Piazza Michelangelo to watch the sunset!  It was harder today to hike up tehre because it is finally getting hot here in Firenze and we were for once dressed warmly... usually we are freezing over here!

A man was playing classic acoustic songs that us Americans could actually sing to and the night was perfect... except for the flies that seemed to just attack Christina.  They seriously were swarming here.  As you can see, even all the way in Italy, everyone is still cheering for the Florida Gators with an orange and blue sunset!  Forza Gators!

When we got back Danielle made us a banana and Nutella tort!  I don't know what I did to get so lucky, but she is da bomb and she is the best!  Anyway, now we are going to Kikuya (of course) to meet Tarah and Savannah's parents!  Tomorrow... another school day, meh!  At least we are in Italy!

So grateful... how can you not be when you look at a perfect sky like that?


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