Thursday, June 20, 2013

saying goodbye.

Marta my Italian teacher
Livia my wine teacher

My second to last day in Firenze... wrapped up my classes and said my goodbyes to my teachers that have pretty much become my friends over the past six weeks.  I never like saying goodbye... especially when I can't add anyone on Facebook to keep in touch!!  Luckily I snagged to golden pictures with the professors after finishing up my final exams.

I think my exams went pretty well!  I am feeling a whole lot more confident with my new Italian skills, but I am still nervous to speak it out loud.  Today I bought Pinocchio in Italian.  Marta told us that when little Italian bambini are learning language, they read Pinocchio... let's just say I read the first couple of pages and I am far from comprehensive.  I did understand some of it though!!  Eventually I will get through it!

Livia threw a slight curve ball today with the wine final... she gave us a red northern wine.  She had even told us the day before that most red wines come from central and southern Italy, while white come from the north and central... what?  Then why did we have a red from the north?  WHY??  Well played Livia, well played.  

Allora, I am officially almost completely packed besides my outfits for the next few days... just the bare necessities laid out with empty hangers everywhere.  It is so scary!  But that is okay because when I get back my summer doesn't stop!  My next destination is COLORADO!  It seems crazy me starting this blog just a mere two days before Firenze and now I am talking about my next adventure just two days before I leave.  I am excited for some new scenery, a little hiking to work off these good eats, and some rafting!  "Nature's neat!"

I feel like from an outsiders standpoint I could compare (metaphorically) my summer to that of "Eat, Pray, Love."  I eat my way through Italy, I become one with my true calling and self in nature through Colorado, and I find love with the children at Camp Pinnacle through North Carolina.  Three locations, three completely separate and different experiences.  Couldn't ask for a better trio.

Excited for a farewell dinner with the roommates tonight at Gusta Pizza and probably a goodbye visit to Kikuya after, of course!  Saying goodbye as well to Tarah and Savannah tonight, who leave tomorrow morning for a weekend in Paris.  Erika's family arrives in Firenze tomorrow, so we lose her too... and then there were tree: Danielle, Christina, and me!  It is going to be a slightly melancholy and quiet apartment tomorrow!

Anyway, arrivederci! 

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