Tuesday, June 4, 2013


We are dorks for life.
Last night, Christina, Danielle, and I met up with all the Benefields at Kikuya for a bit because all the girls insisted that the special 10% alcohol beer called a Dragoon must be tasted.  Personally, all beer tastes the same and all beer is gross.  But hey, whatever floats your boat, right?  After her parents left, Claudio and Stefano, our Italian friends, arrived to take us to a new place.  In the United States, every night has something going on, but not in Italy.  It is just a different culture, one that is very different from the bar atmosphere in a college town like Gainesville.  I could get used to an atmosphere like this... calm, chill, and easy going.  Eventually we ended up at this night cafe where Brie (Tarah and Savannah's younger sister) and I were stuck in the corner, unable to get out of our seats... "nobody puts babies in the corner."  Us youngest children gotta stick together!  We bonded over how being the youngest is the hardest until only child, Christina, decided she wanted to go home... OCS.  I'm just kidding!

Anyway, I went to sleep and woke up this morning for class. Boo!  I made some breakfast and Christina and I walked to Cafe Chiaroscuro for the usual, a vanilla cappuccino.  Never disappoints me!  We hung out there for a while... feeling like locals, sipping our coffees and enjoying the peace in a quiet down to earth little place.    

Walking through Firenze has become a bit of an obstacle over the past couple of days... I can tell high schools have finally been let out for the summer and Italy is starting to get crowded!  I can't even tell you how many random pictures I am probably in just walking through Piazza Signorina near the fake David.  Everyone is always clogging up that pathway and all those attractions have become "same old same."  Sounds snooty, but we already did the touristy thing, now we just want to get to Cafe Chiaroscuro for some coffee before class!  Also, the new study abroad students arrived over the weekend and sadly we all look at them staring at their maps like seniors stare at "fresh-meat."  That was us three weeks ago!  I can't even imagine how people were looking at us!  But hey, we have earned our place in the city and we have blended and made it our home.  No more maps!

During class we continued studying the imperative form and what will be on the quiz on Thursday.  After class, Carrie and I headed to wine when I ran into the waitress from Kikuya.  She recognized me!!  So I have become a regular at a bar and I was recognized on the busy streets of Firenze near il Duomo... does that make me a local?  I don't know, but it was kinda cool not gonna lie!

Wine class was even more boring than usual and it didn't help that I was so hungry!  I had barely eaten anything all day and we didn't even do a wine tasting... we just watched a video on the production of wine, comparing different countries and their major producers.  I could have done without it... I just wanted dinner!!  After class Carrie and I bolted for some grub.  I chose this pizzeria that served these flatbreads with a little ham and cheese in it.  It was cheap and perfect and I could eat it while I walked!

Back at Tintori, I decided it was a good idea to go for a run.  It is getting hotter here by the minute (ironic seeing I just bought my leather jacket...).  My run was good though, and I found a new path east along the Arno that went through a park all covered in trees.  It was a nice break from the constant concrete buildings, uneven sidewalks, and dirty streets!  It was peaceful and I liked it!  I probably went a little over three miles before I returned to shower.

Everyone is sick here.  I don't know why, but a bug is flying around and it seems like it is running rampant through my apartment... it hasn't reached me yet. Knock on wood, or as Italian say, touch metal (iron).  I usually don't get sick easily, so i am hoping it skips me because this weekend is Rome and I am so excited for some Vatican City, some Colosseum, and the
Trevi Fountain!  Maybe even my Italian teacher from Gainesville will meet up with us all from class because she lives outside Rome!  I guess we shall see!  in the mean time, I should probably lay low away from all these sick people!

Since Tarah and Savannah have been staying at their parent's condo over the past couple of days, it has pretty much just been Christina, Danielle, and I... maybe we will take it easy tonight and watch a movie!  It was a long weekend anyway and we've got another one ahead of us.  Sometimes it is nice to take a break from everything, but it is hard because it is all so much fun and we want to see it all!  I just LOVE ITALY!


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