Monday, June 10, 2013

childhood shots.

Today was a casual day for sure.  I am even sad to say that I took absolutely NO pictures today because I studied for half the day!  Yes, I actually studied.  Despite what my mom thinks, the word "study" does exist in a study abroad trip.  So this morning I woke up and went on a nice run along the Arno with Danielle, finishing right before the rain began falling.  A good sign!  I hurried into the shower to get ready to meet my group for our wine project in the library next door.

We all met up and started working on the separate parts of the project... four million hours later I finish my portion of the paper and begin adding the information to the powerpoint.  What is this?  I am in Italy and I am sitting on a computer doing homework.  No way Jose!  But luckily we chose a day that was super rainy out because we weren't missing much out there anyway!

So once we were done we all decided to get some lunch at this sandwich shop down the road.  Now I like to call myself a sandwich connoisseur because I LOVE sandwiches.  They seriously are my food of choice.  Always.  They are just so flavorful and different and there are so many different types of ingredients that can be put into them!  I love it!

So this shop was called Pino's on Via Verdi and it was really good!  I of course got spicy salami, sun-dried tomatoes, a spicy sauce, and pecorino cheese.  It was so good and so cheap!  After that Carrie was about to fall asleep right there in the sandwich shop so I HAD to take her to Chiaroscuro for her first time tasting the best cappuccino of her life.  She loved it... I have never seen one go so fast.

Carrie and I had a nice long talk and we decided to stop by Conad to get a few items for the week and the Amalfi Coast!!! I am so excited to visit Positano, Pompeii, and Capri... seeing the Blue Grotto and Mount Vesuvius!  It is going to be so incredibly beautiful!  I can't even begin to describe!

What is cool is that Positano is a town I actually remember because I can recall not understanding the concept of a "one-way" street and how I didn't know how cars could figure out when it was their turn to go a certain direction.  It may sound weird written in this blog, but it made complete sense in my head... that probably made no sense!  But that is how I remember that.  I also remember the hotel we stayed in had flowers that were strung above your head.  Apparently I almost got kidnapped there too... I could have grown up Italian, but I ended up with the BEST parents ever so I am glad they caught the guy who was apparently just "getting me ice cream..." likely story.

I guess I was always creepy... look really close & you will see me creeping in the background

Made some new friends with the locals!
Allora, this weekend should be great!  It will be nice to get some sun on an actual beach!  I am sure it will be more relaxed than Roma and some of our other more hectic adventures, so it will be a great close to the trip.  Oh gosh!  I can't believe there are only two weeks left!  This can't be real!  I just have to stop talking about it.... think good thoughts!

Once I got back to the apartment I just sort of relaxed after a really exhausting weekend... I told you this post would be boring. But at least you get to see my little kid pictures!  I mean besides the fact that I creeped sometimes, I think I was pretty cute!  I mean how can you resist that gummy smile?

So after a few hours of just relaxing and working on my presentation for Italian class, we all decided to head to this restaurant called Osteria del Gatto e Volpe.  Which basically is a restaurant called the Cat and the Wolf... sounds sketchy.  It was awesome though!  You paid fifteen euro and you got unlimited water and wine, a antipasti of salamis, mozzarella, and vegetables, bread, and three plates of pasta to share around the table.  It was so delicious and I really enjoyed the style of the meal.  It was a fun atmosphere and I would definitely go back!    
Anyway... as I said today's post would be short, but I hope you got a kick out of some of my youngins!  Have a great night and thank you so much to those of you who read my post!  I enjoy this so much and I hope you do too!



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