Tuesday, September 24, 2013

dexter era.

So as you've probably heard, this past Sunday marked the end of an era... well at least for me it did.  The DEXTER era.  Anybody who knows me can attest to my strong obsession with the Showtime favorite, Dexter.  Although season 8 was not my favorite & the plot seemed to be heading nowhere, the previous 7 seasons were so amazing that the show has not been tainted.  There is not a show out there that was more intense, more entertaining, more thrilling & suspenseful, or funnier.  (I may or may not have cried at the end......)  Season 1 was a little close to home for Dexter (if you catch my drift), Season 2 was crazy, Season 3 left you wanting more, Season 4 was the biggest SURPRISE of all time, Season 5 was realization & closure, Season 6 was a twist, Season 7 was the road to his downfall, & Season 8 was the end.  But in all honesty, there is no real end to Dexter.

Although I was not ready for Dexter to come to a close, apparently being a serial killer took quite the toll on Michael C. Hall.  I mean that's quite a day job, right?  All that heavy lifting & clean-up.  It's a hard lifestyle to live.

The poster that hangs on my door! He is watching over me!
But anyway, I watched a interview segment Hall had where he was asked how people respond to him in public.  He said most act normal, but many beg for action shots of Dexter doing his thing.  (He probably has a series of very strange pictures floating around on the internet somewhere...).  They would also ask him to autograph the usual: shirts, mugs, butcher knives, cards, animal tranquilizers, posters & other appropriate Dexter paraphernalia.  All the norm.  But he did mention some perks to being a serial killer... he said people often let him cut lines.  Weird huh?  They would see him coming, double take, & let him pass ahead.  I guess that didn't want him watching their backs.  They wanted to watch his.

That's what I love about Dexter!  You don't have to watch your back because he's got it covered!  What's not to like about a vigilante?  A person who watches over the good & removes the bad.  I know... "removes" is a slight euphemism in this case, but it doesn't matter!  Just because Dexter has his habits doesn't make him a bad guy.

I mean we all have our vices, right?  Deb couldn't get through a sentence without a curse word, LaGuerta couldn't stay out of it, Harry wouldn't disappear, Professor Gellar was like a "ghost," Quinn couldn't commit, Dr. Vogel loved her family, Trinity couldn't forget the past, Brian Moser (Rudy) remembered too much, Hannah got tired of her husbands, Rita forgot vital things, Lumen didn't truly have a "dark passenger," Doakes wouldn't quit or put his lips away (pun intended), Miguel Prado got too involved, & Masuka couldn't get his mind out of the gutter.  After looking at all these faults, Dexter's doesn't seem all that bad, huh?

The funniest part is actually before Michael C. Hall was Dexter, he was David Fisher, a mortician, in the series "Six Feet Under."  He just can't seem to escape the dead...  Typecasting?  Does he scream, "I like dead people?"

Anyway, if this post seems confusing to you & you are missing the memo or you just haven't gotten the chance to watch this fantastic show... than you need to get on that!  You won't regret it!  I have proudly passed on the obsession to others & they don't regret it either!  Just because the show is over doesn't mean Dexter is.  "He's your friendly, neighborhood serial killer!"  

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