Monday, September 2, 2013

breakfast always.

You know what's better than a three course dinner with a delicious salad, a lobster entree, & a tiramisu?  Breakfast for dinner.  And not just for dinner... but for lunch & probably even breakfast.  Today was on of those days.  I just woke up craving breakfast & it lasted until about... well now when I got my breakfast for dinner fix out of the way.  You know it's a good day when you look back & just see BREAKFAST!

This morning my roommate Katie & I decided to go get breakfast at the most delicious joint in Gainesville, The Flying Biscuit Cafe.  Sometimes you just have to let someone else make breakfast for you to make your day perfect!  So we drove up to the cafe as did 4758653 other people on this lovely Labor Day!  We sat and waited for about 5 minutes when we decided that 45 minutes was too long & that our stomachs couldn't handle the wait.  But as we handed the hostess the buzzer, she told us the secrets of all secrets... there were empty seats at the bar.  What?!  (Just so you know, if you go to Flying Biscuit... ALWAYS always always check the bar because ain't nobody got time to wait for biscuits).  But I will tell you, it was so worth it!

This little cafe is a bustling place where the churchgoers hang out on Sundays.  It is commercial looking on the outside, but don't judge this book by its cover because the inside is painted with sunflowers & the food is delicious & the serving sizes are HUGE.

Anyway... back to my "breakfast always."  Guess what I had for lunch?

Yep.  My leftovers from breakfast. & if that weren't enough, I found a recipe for a breakfast casserole & cooked that for dinner.  Breakfast on breakfast on breakfast.      

There is something special about breakfast because it is the only meal of the day you can eat at any time & it still tastes AMAZING & normal.  Dinner for breakfast?  No way...  But breakfast is a comfort food.

This was my attempt at a breakfast casserole.  It turned out great & tasted awesome, but here is the recipe I loosely followed:

His may look better, but I'm just a novice & mine had more love in it!  Ciao-Ciao

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