Saturday, September 28, 2013

biggest moments.

Big/Little reveal Round 3: I am not quite the biggest, but I am far from the littlest.  I am a grandbig with an infinite legacy above me & a growing legacy below me.  It is interesting to think that I could have a great-great-great... great-grandbig dating all the way back to Kappa Kappa Gamma's founding year here at Florida in 1978.  Isn't that strange to think about... that there are members of your sorority chain out there & you don't even know it?  Can you imagine how many Gs they must have?  One of Kappa's finest mottos is, "It's not just 4 years, it's for life," & seeing my own great-grandbig return with 4Gs on her hat makes me so happy & makes that statement true.

With each passing year I raise higher & higher on the totem & my number of Gs on my hat goes up & up.  This year marks my first G.  & it only goes up from there.  Don't worry, I'm not reminiscing in the past because I know we are "living in the moment," but when did I get so old?  I'm almost a real person... oops!

Well anyway, big/little reveal is always one of my favorite events because all the families dress up & show off their individualistic & amazing personalities through a family theme, but most importantly, they make hats.  In our family, the hats are different every year to match our theme, & some families fall to tradition & wear the same hats every year!  The hats draw the littlest ones to her rightful owners in a way that says, you are now one of us... Welcome to the HOT MESS Family!  Yep, we are an eclectic bunch & we wear tacky tourist clothes on Thursdays... you can't sit with us!  

Aren't we cool?

I feel like you are in a "state of limbo" before you get your big because you don't really have any real/personal direction yet, but once you join a family, you have so many mentors that truly treat you like family.  It is an unconditional love.  For me, it wasn't until big/little reveal when I was reunited with my big, Danielle, & my twin, Alex, when I felt at home at Kappa.  They all made me feel so special & so loved that I couldn't imagine any other experience. 

And then of course, getting your own little just makes you even more connected because now you are a role model for someone else; a friend & family.  Alyssa is my perfect little & now it is her turn to be the perfect big! 

"It's the LITTLE moments in life that make the BIG difference."

I'm going to get cheesy now (I know Danielle wouldn't mind ;)), but "once you go Kappa, you can't go backa."


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

dexter era.

So as you've probably heard, this past Sunday marked the end of an era... well at least for me it did.  The DEXTER era.  Anybody who knows me can attest to my strong obsession with the Showtime favorite, Dexter.  Although season 8 was not my favorite & the plot seemed to be heading nowhere, the previous 7 seasons were so amazing that the show has not been tainted.  There is not a show out there that was more intense, more entertaining, more thrilling & suspenseful, or funnier.  (I may or may not have cried at the end......)  Season 1 was a little close to home for Dexter (if you catch my drift), Season 2 was crazy, Season 3 left you wanting more, Season 4 was the biggest SURPRISE of all time, Season 5 was realization & closure, Season 6 was a twist, Season 7 was the road to his downfall, & Season 8 was the end.  But in all honesty, there is no real end to Dexter.

Although I was not ready for Dexter to come to a close, apparently being a serial killer took quite the toll on Michael C. Hall.  I mean that's quite a day job, right?  All that heavy lifting & clean-up.  It's a hard lifestyle to live.

The poster that hangs on my door! He is watching over me!
But anyway, I watched a interview segment Hall had where he was asked how people respond to him in public.  He said most act normal, but many beg for action shots of Dexter doing his thing.  (He probably has a series of very strange pictures floating around on the internet somewhere...).  They would also ask him to autograph the usual: shirts, mugs, butcher knives, cards, animal tranquilizers, posters & other appropriate Dexter paraphernalia.  All the norm.  But he did mention some perks to being a serial killer... he said people often let him cut lines.  Weird huh?  They would see him coming, double take, & let him pass ahead.  I guess that didn't want him watching their backs.  They wanted to watch his.

That's what I love about Dexter!  You don't have to watch your back because he's got it covered!  What's not to like about a vigilante?  A person who watches over the good & removes the bad.  I know... "removes" is a slight euphemism in this case, but it doesn't matter!  Just because Dexter has his habits doesn't make him a bad guy.

I mean we all have our vices, right?  Deb couldn't get through a sentence without a curse word, LaGuerta couldn't stay out of it, Harry wouldn't disappear, Professor Gellar was like a "ghost," Quinn couldn't commit, Dr. Vogel loved her family, Trinity couldn't forget the past, Brian Moser (Rudy) remembered too much, Hannah got tired of her husbands, Rita forgot vital things, Lumen didn't truly have a "dark passenger," Doakes wouldn't quit or put his lips away (pun intended), Miguel Prado got too involved, & Masuka couldn't get his mind out of the gutter.  After looking at all these faults, Dexter's doesn't seem all that bad, huh?

The funniest part is actually before Michael C. Hall was Dexter, he was David Fisher, a mortician, in the series "Six Feet Under."  He just can't seem to escape the dead...  Typecasting?  Does he scream, "I like dead people?"

Anyway, if this post seems confusing to you & you are missing the memo or you just haven't gotten the chance to watch this fantastic show... than you need to get on that!  You won't regret it!  I have proudly passed on the obsession to others & they don't regret it either!  Just because the show is over doesn't mean Dexter is.  "He's your friendly, neighborhood serial killer!"  

Sunday, September 15, 2013

mumford & sons.

For the second weekend in a row I indulged in a concert... I know how it looks, but this is a fluke!  I never go to concerts.  I just happened to hit the concert jackpot within a week of each other.  I went from the incredible John Mayer to the indescribable talent of Mumford & Sons!  What a crazy awesome concert... rather a fest of concerts; a plethora of indie bands with a very strange yet perfect mix of people.

The music was awesome... all 7-8 bands we heard!  Most I hadn't really heard of, but the best part about not knowing the songs & bands that are playing is that you don't feel compelled to huddle with the other 478538653 sweaty & "personal spaceless bubble" people who are standing as close as possible to the stage, but you just get to dance in the back.  We set up camp with the other rusty dancers & got out of our comfort zone a little.  I can tell you from experience... I am NO dancer, but at a concert it doesn't matter because it's all about letting free your inner spirit (hence the fake glasses... *my inner spirit*). 

On Friday night, Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros sang last!  They put on quite the entertaining show because they really interact with the audience.  Edward & Jade would constantly ask for audience stories to add to their songs' conversational portions & they would jump down into the front row of people a few times to hear them speak.  I got so much dance on, especially when "Home" came on... I just let loose.  You know the saying... right?  "Dance like no one's watching."  I DID.  A LOT.  I think Emily may or may not have been embarrassed... but I did catch her sneaking a dance here & there!

The idea of letting out your inner spirit is best described by Edward Sharpe (who is actually really Alexander Ebert).  He created this alternative identity for himself, which he calls his "alter ego," which has practically taken over his life.  Mine is definitely not that strong... my dancing spirit is only visible under low light visibility, at concerts, in the back, with my goofy glasses on. Inclusive.  It's a start.....      

Anyway, after spending a great morning at St. Augustine Beach & stuffing ourselves with delicious BBQ, we returned to the concert stuffed & ready to hear some more bands.  We kept slowly creeping forward because today we came prepared to be packed like sardines.  Everyone & their mom arrived early to get front row seats to see Mumford.  For 5+ hours people camped out to stake a claim on their spot.

I can't tell you how AMAZING it was to see Mumford perform, but I can tell you it was AMAZING to see them perform.  They were perfect & talented; playing banjos & guitars, drums & cellos, mandolins & the microphone... I have never seen a more well-rounded group.  30,000 people were there watching & singing along to every single one of their songs for their FIRST performance in Florida.  They played 6 encore songs & it still wasn't enough!  TAKE ME BACK!!!    

One of my favorite parts of the weekend was the decor all around town... the awesome signs & posters, the flags, the street chalk, & especially the MUSTACHES!!  They were everywhere!  I may or may not have taken one as a souvenir... I like it.

I don't know when mustaches became "in," but all I know is that my good friend Haisley has loved mustaches before I can even remember!  She was above the fad, which I so easily fell into... they are just so cute (not real ones though.......)!

Well... I think that is all!  I mustache you a question, but I'll shave it for later.  (Sorry, I had to).


Sunday, September 8, 2013

john mayer.

Well, in 2 words I can pretty much describe my weekend... JOHN MAYER!

Considering it was practically my first real concert, besides seeing Britney Spears in the 4th grade... "Oops I did it again" style, it was a pretty great concert to start off my music run on.  He was perfect.  Although rumor has it he has had difficulty with his throat & singing, he reached those high notes & sang almost all the class favorites in that sultry John Mayer way.  You know how he stares at you with that little quirky smile... his style is intoxicating. 

Anyway, it was very cool to see him in action after listening to his music for years now.  Growing up it was one of the few CDs in circulation that my mom actually liked.  You know... the old school "Room for Squares" album that had some of the best songs (Your Body is a Wonderland, 83, My Stupid Mouth...).  I grew up with John Mayer getting stuck in my head, seeing him rise to fame, watching my parents go to his concert (jealous of course because I didn't even get an invite... hint hint).  But I have gotten over my raging jealousy because... (drum roll please) I finally got my turn!

It was definitely worth the wait, but I was still hoping he'd sing some more of his oldies but definitely goodies.  Believe me... I was more than happy just to be there, watching him jam.  I never understood how talented he actually was at the guitar.  You know the songs & you hear the instrumental parts, but I never sat back & thought about his playing.  He was GREAT--playing behind the back, playing like we were listening to the song in fast forward, & playing long rhythmic solos.   (The way the camera zoomed in on his hands was like watching the "Titanic" all over again... if you've seen it, you'll understand).

I never understood why miss Chloe Briscoe was always so OBSESSED with John Mayer, but now I get it all.  It's all in the music & it's even better live.

Besides him playing my personal favorite, Your Body is a Wonderland (which he sang looking directly at me, of course!!), he did a few covers; including another one of my faves, Don't Stop Believing!  I didn't know how much I would like his concert at first since I wasn't super caught up with his newest album, but it was fantastic... even the new stuff.  I just kind of jammed & swayed along (pretending to know the words) with the music.  I didn't want it to end. 

Met some lovely EPhi Kappas :)

You can tell John ( I can call him that... right?  I think we have that kind of relationship) is a smart guy with those deep, beautiful lyrics, & he had a few wise things to say that reminded me of my blog: he spoke about how when he was younger he always thought about the future, how old he was & constant everyday worries, but now he just thinks about how it is great just being alive & awesome.  It sounds familiar, right?  Sounds a whole lot like "living in the moment..." huh?  I knew John would quote me one day... just didn't realize it would happen so soon!

Anyway... the weekend was in a nutshell, PERFECT! Besides the Gators losing, which we WILL NOT discuss.  

And a big shout out to Chloe Scott & family & friends for providing me with food & shelter during the weekend!! Thank you so much, it was great!


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

just call me carrie.

Blogging has kinda become my obsession...

Sometimes when I write my blog posts I feel like Carrie Bradshaw (minus the glamor, cigarette, skimpy lingerie, risque topic, & high class followers, but plus the tutu!!!) & I just feel like this is were I belong... behind a computer screen with a story on my mind.
"Just call me Carrie"

Every episode of "Sex & the City" is centered around a theme that Carrie is usually researching & writing about.  She gathers with her 3 loyal friends & gossip about their lives (don't you wish you had the time & money these women all seem to have?).  Anyway, sometimes I center my life around what my blog post will say & I formulate ideas in my mind about how to organize those days into a single post.  My days eventually trickle down into a short "column," if you will, of words in my daily(ish) blog.  Isn't that what Carrie does?  I mean in reality she is writing about her friends crazy & outlandish experiences of their daily lives... just like me, right?

I know what your thinking... yeah.  My life isn't quite like Carrie's.  But I still catch myself looking through her eyes as I wonder, WWCD?  (What would Carrie do?)

Obviously this is kind of a joke, but in a way it is true because I do feel inspired to write while watching Carrie do her thing.  Carrie's just got a knack for turning moments into words... a knack I would love to have.  Although, my topic might be a little different...

I think we resemble one another, though... don't you?

"Rachele Harvey knows good moments."

Monday, September 2, 2013

breakfast always.

You know what's better than a three course dinner with a delicious salad, a lobster entree, & a tiramisu?  Breakfast for dinner.  And not just for dinner... but for lunch & probably even breakfast.  Today was on of those days.  I just woke up craving breakfast & it lasted until about... well now when I got my breakfast for dinner fix out of the way.  You know it's a good day when you look back & just see BREAKFAST!

This morning my roommate Katie & I decided to go get breakfast at the most delicious joint in Gainesville, The Flying Biscuit Cafe.  Sometimes you just have to let someone else make breakfast for you to make your day perfect!  So we drove up to the cafe as did 4758653 other people on this lovely Labor Day!  We sat and waited for about 5 minutes when we decided that 45 minutes was too long & that our stomachs couldn't handle the wait.  But as we handed the hostess the buzzer, she told us the secrets of all secrets... there were empty seats at the bar.  What?!  (Just so you know, if you go to Flying Biscuit... ALWAYS always always check the bar because ain't nobody got time to wait for biscuits).  But I will tell you, it was so worth it!

This little cafe is a bustling place where the churchgoers hang out on Sundays.  It is commercial looking on the outside, but don't judge this book by its cover because the inside is painted with sunflowers & the food is delicious & the serving sizes are HUGE.

Anyway... back to my "breakfast always."  Guess what I had for lunch?

Yep.  My leftovers from breakfast. & if that weren't enough, I found a recipe for a breakfast casserole & cooked that for dinner.  Breakfast on breakfast on breakfast.      

There is something special about breakfast because it is the only meal of the day you can eat at any time & it still tastes AMAZING & normal.  Dinner for breakfast?  No way...  But breakfast is a comfort food.

This was my attempt at a breakfast casserole.  It turned out great & tasted awesome, but here is the recipe I loosely followed:

His may look better, but I'm just a novice & mine had more love in it!  Ciao-Ciao