For the second weekend in a row I indulged in a concert... I know how it looks, but this is a fluke! I never go to concerts. I just happened to hit the concert jackpot within a week of each other. I went from the incredible John Mayer to the indescribable talent of Mumford & Sons! What a crazy awesome concert... rather a fest of concerts; a plethora of indie bands with a very strange yet perfect mix of people.

The music was awesome... all 7-8 bands we heard! Most I hadn't really heard of, but the best part about not knowing the songs & bands that are playing is that you don't feel compelled to huddle with the other 478538653 sweaty & "personal spaceless bubble" people who are standing as close as possible to the stage, but you just get to dance in the back. We set up camp with the other rusty dancers & got out of our comfort zone a little. I can tell you from experience... I am NO dancer, but at a concert it doesn't matter because it's all about letting free your inner spirit (hence the fake glasses... *my inner spirit*).
On Friday night, Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros sang last! They put on quite the entertaining show because they really interact with the audience. Edward & Jade would constantly ask for audience stories to add to their songs' conversational portions & they would jump down into the front row of people a few times to hear them speak. I got so much dance on, especially when "Home" came on... I just let loose. You know the saying... right? "Dance like no one's watching." I DID. A LOT. I think Emily may or may not have been embarrassed... but I did catch her sneaking a dance here & there!

The idea of letting out your inner spirit is best described by Edward Sharpe (who is actually really Alexander Ebert). He created this alternative identity for himself, which he calls his "alter ego," which has practically taken over his life. Mine is definitely not that strong... my dancing spirit is only visible under low light visibility, at concerts, in the back, with my goofy glasses on. Inclusive. It's a start.....

Anyway, after spending a great morning at St. Augustine Beach & stuffing ourselves with delicious BBQ, we returned to the concert stuffed & ready to hear some more bands. We kept slowly creeping forward because today we came prepared to be packed like sardines. Everyone & their mom arrived early to get front row seats to see Mumford. For 5+ hours people camped out to stake a claim on their spot.
I can't tell you how AMAZING it was to see Mumford perform, but I can tell you it
was AMAZING to see them perform. They were perfect & talented; playing banjos & guitars, drums & cellos, mandolins & the microphone... I have never seen a more well-rounded group. 30,000 people were there watching & singing along to every single one of their songs for their FIRST performance in Florida. They played 6 encore songs & it still wasn't enough! TAKE ME BACK!!!
One of my favorite parts of the weekend was the decor all around town... the awesome signs & posters, the flags, the street chalk, & especially the MUSTACHES!! They were everywhere! I may or may not have taken one as a souvenir... I like it.
I don't know when mustaches became "in," but all I know is that my good friend Haisley has loved mustaches before I can even remember! She was above the fad, which I so easily fell into... they are just so cute (not real ones though.......)!
Well... I think that is all! I mustache you a question, but I'll shave it for later. (Sorry, I had to).
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