Sunday, September 8, 2013

john mayer.

Well, in 2 words I can pretty much describe my weekend... JOHN MAYER!

Considering it was practically my first real concert, besides seeing Britney Spears in the 4th grade... "Oops I did it again" style, it was a pretty great concert to start off my music run on.  He was perfect.  Although rumor has it he has had difficulty with his throat & singing, he reached those high notes & sang almost all the class favorites in that sultry John Mayer way.  You know how he stares at you with that little quirky smile... his style is intoxicating. 

Anyway, it was very cool to see him in action after listening to his music for years now.  Growing up it was one of the few CDs in circulation that my mom actually liked.  You know... the old school "Room for Squares" album that had some of the best songs (Your Body is a Wonderland, 83, My Stupid Mouth...).  I grew up with John Mayer getting stuck in my head, seeing him rise to fame, watching my parents go to his concert (jealous of course because I didn't even get an invite... hint hint).  But I have gotten over my raging jealousy because... (drum roll please) I finally got my turn!

It was definitely worth the wait, but I was still hoping he'd sing some more of his oldies but definitely goodies.  Believe me... I was more than happy just to be there, watching him jam.  I never understood how talented he actually was at the guitar.  You know the songs & you hear the instrumental parts, but I never sat back & thought about his playing.  He was GREAT--playing behind the back, playing like we were listening to the song in fast forward, & playing long rhythmic solos.   (The way the camera zoomed in on his hands was like watching the "Titanic" all over again... if you've seen it, you'll understand).

I never understood why miss Chloe Briscoe was always so OBSESSED with John Mayer, but now I get it all.  It's all in the music & it's even better live.

Besides him playing my personal favorite, Your Body is a Wonderland (which he sang looking directly at me, of course!!), he did a few covers; including another one of my faves, Don't Stop Believing!  I didn't know how much I would like his concert at first since I wasn't super caught up with his newest album, but it was fantastic... even the new stuff.  I just kind of jammed & swayed along (pretending to know the words) with the music.  I didn't want it to end. 

Met some lovely EPhi Kappas :)

You can tell John ( I can call him that... right?  I think we have that kind of relationship) is a smart guy with those deep, beautiful lyrics, & he had a few wise things to say that reminded me of my blog: he spoke about how when he was younger he always thought about the future, how old he was & constant everyday worries, but now he just thinks about how it is great just being alive & awesome.  It sounds familiar, right?  Sounds a whole lot like "living in the moment..." huh?  I knew John would quote me one day... just didn't realize it would happen so soon!

Anyway... the weekend was in a nutshell, PERFECT! Besides the Gators losing, which we WILL NOT discuss.  

And a big shout out to Chloe Scott & family & friends for providing me with food & shelter during the weekend!! Thank you so much, it was great!



  1. This is a great post the perfectly describes the concert! Although, I can't believe you didn't mention the pancakes haha

  2. LOVE.
    Now you finally get it.. <3
