After months of waiting and waiting and waiting, recruitment finally arrived!
Starting on April 29, I deactivated my facebook for a whirlwind adventure called being the BEST Pi Chi I can be! Being a Pi Chi is more than just a "sorority thing," it is a counseling position that we train for months in advance with classes, tests, lectures on delicate situations, scenarios, & more. It didn't just teach me what woman fit in Alpha Alpha Alpha, it taught me how to interact with individuals on a very personal level with a complete lack of bias. It truly made me feel important within the Panhellenic society & the University of Florida Greek system. "We gave up our letters so 2013 potential new members could find theirs!" We did our jobs!
Us Pi Chis are (for the most part) the first glimpse of sorority women here on campus. We represent all 16 chapters in the goofiest of all ways, but in the best of lights. We are the true face to what a "real" Greek woman is. The facade that is recruitment, does not do the chapters justice, because it does not truly highlight how amazing & individual each member is & how one person can make a difference. Chapter women appear to be the epitome of perfect: straightened hair, flawless makeup, erect postures, beautiful smiles, manicured nails, white smiles, & fitted dresses, but the truth is... as we all truly know (surprise!), women aren't perfect. Pi Chis prove that sorority women really do "sweat more than sparkle," that they have their own hardships, & that we all come from different backgrounds, ethnicities, & homes. We are real.
Even though throughout the school year we represent our respective chapters, we are merely separated by a set of Greek letters that we advertise daily. Of course, we are proud of who we are; proud to be a part of such ritual & social based organizations that date back to possibly the late 19th centuries & proud to be strong independent women with a keen ability to be involved, but that doesn't mean we are ultimately all that different from one another. We are all involved, beautiful (duh), interesting, different, philanthropic, classy, & most of all, we are women.
Just because we are separated by our letters does not mean that we are separated. We are one goal. We are one UF. We are one Panhellenic Council.
I have never had the pleasure of spending 10+ days with such an amazing, individual, fun, & involved group of women in my life. Thank you & a shout out to all 100ish of you who made my recruitment 2013 experience so phenomenal!
Despite my love of disassociation I was more than thrilled to return home to my family & friends in my respective chapter. Nothing describes the warm homecoming I received more than the sight of my little & our perfect embrace! It feels good to be home... I know the new members are saying the same thing. Oh & GO GATORS!
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