Saturday, August 31, 2013

gator game.

It's once again Fall in the Swamp here at the University of Florida.  Time for alumni to tread all over campus again, time for us to meet new people in the stadium, & time for some good ole fashion football.  It is pretty amazing the amount of people that can fit in one place & the noise that reverberates throughout the Swamp & how extensive the fan base is.  I couldn't go anywhere in North Carolina without seeing someone reppin the orange & blue.  

I am not embarrassed to admit that I still get chills when I hear the our theme song start up & see the ever present gator opening its mouth for a huge chomp right before the players run onto the field, attracting the entire cheering audience to attention.

I don't know if I truly like football, but there is something special about going to the games & the amazing Gator spirit: the chants, the colors, the tradition, the "tailGATORS," the friends, the alumni, the mascots, the everything.  It's just "great to be a Florida Gator..." ALWAYS! 

One of my favorite parts of the games is after the third quarter when we sing:  "In all kinds of weather we all stick together..."  Is that still true when it's 90+ degrees outside?  If I left at half-time because I was scared of severe sun burns & possible dehydration because I'm too cheap to buy a $4 water bottle... is that fair?  Or does that literally make me a fair weather gator?

Oh well... I am pretty sure that I have adequate Gator good spirit & I am so glad that it is Fall once again!  The only thing that scares me is that I only have one Fall left!?!  How did that happen?!  And on that same note... I am going to be a grandbig.  Time just flies when you're having the BEST TIME OF YOUR LIFE.

All I have to say is something I have been preaching since the beginning... "live in the moment," because as Ferris Bueller says... "Life moves pretty fast & if you don't stop & look around once in a while, you could miss it."  Well played Bueller, well played.


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