
So last night was pretty fun (well technically it was today)! I have never done karaoke before, but I decided to give it a try even though I shatter glass and lose friends when I do it. We sang (tried to sing at least) genuine American (and Canadian) songs in an Italian Karaoke bar, while the locals actually sang well. It got really interesting when we recognized some Italian songs because they were actually American songs translated. I don't know how they do that... translate a song while keeping the meaning and the beat/melody? Anyway, "Man, I feel Like a Woman" happened, as did "Drops of Jupiter," and some Avril Lavigne. With those Canadian hits, this group of Canadian guys, on a post college graduation trip, approached us and joined us at our table. They were friendly and they sang a Blink-182 song so we excepted them into our booth that we had claimed at ten. Interesting note... Italians don't start their nights out until after midnight, so we got there a wee bit early! It was okay though because it gave me a chance to "warm up" my voice and get out of my comfort zone a little before all the people began arriving. It was nice being out of my zone and doing something completely different and out of my nature!

We left the karaoke bar after one and headed toward the English pub, the Kikuya, which we were at the other night with the Canadians in tow. We were starting to get tired of the Canadians, so we moved on to chatting with these three attractive Italian guys who were telling us all the great places to see in Florence and where the locals actually go. Making friends with the locals gets us even more ingrained in the Italian ways, plus these Italians weren't like the uncomfortable friendly Italian men that litter the streets at all hours of the day, saying "you're beautiful" and "you're very nice girl" to every female that passes by, they were just regular, nice guys. After hunger pangs controlled my mood, we returned to the apartment and went to sleep!
This morning, Danielle and I went for a run along the Arno. It was a cool morning and the run was gorgeous even though people here DO NOT even think about moving out of the way. In most other countries people attempt to move to the side for others, but not here! They don't even think about it. Today was the first time we actually saw people excising in this city! I think since so many shops and markets are closed on Sundays, people turn it into their exercise day... there were so many people running and riding their bikes! It was nice to know they don't stay skinny simply by eating carbs on carbs on carbs and by smoking excessively, but that they actually do have to work out to maintain weight. I am pretty sure that I didn't see anyone of the cheese cube diet... "Well, I don't eat anything, and then when I feel like I am going to faint, I eat a cube of cheese."

When we got back, we showered and started planning out our slow day. We decided to check out the Giardino delle Rose near the Michelangelo Piazza, which again was a bit of a hike, but not too bad. It took us a little looking and asking until we discovered the garden, but it was very beautiful as it looked out across the western side of Firenze over the Arno. The flowers were very pretty, all bright and huge! There were so many different colored roses, baby artichokes, and other beautiful flowers on and off Italian vines. There were ponds with random statues of man-fish and of so obviously had to take pictures with it... We took so many glamour shots with the flowers, with the statues, and in front of the beautiful view until we sat down on these two benches beneath a large tree, overlooking Firenze. We ate cherries and salami sandwiches and leftover pasta... it was a pretty generous spread. Out of no where came this huge rain cloud, which put us into action mode quickly. We started heading down the path toward home when it started pouring. We ducked into this weird little hipster cafe featuring lovely naked women posters on the wall. We planned on ordering a cappuccino, when the rain eased. We were heading back over the bridge when the the sun came completely out, playing tricks on us left and right. The weather here just can't seem to make up its mind... it will say on the weather app that there is a 70% chance of rain, but it will be beautiful out, it will rain for five minutes and then clear up completely, or it will be freezing in the shade and burning in the sun. I don't know what's going on in Italy, but I have never competed with such confused weather in my life. At least it clears up enough for us to take our pictures!
View of il Ponte Vecchio in the background |
So after the sun came out we decided to check out some cool store around our apartment! Everything is so expensive, but it is sneaky because you look at it in euro and think... wow it's only $29... NO it's more than that! You have to be careful with spending money here or it will go fast! We went into some local stores and also Zara where we exhibited great self control and left empty handed. After a while we went back to our apartment while Danielle shopped for dinner stuff. We decided we were going to make dinner (well that Danielle was going to cook dinner while we offer moral support from afar) for the USF boys who live in the apartment down the street. We (she) cooked baked zitti and a chicken dish, and we went over to hang with the boys! It was a lot of fun even though there are some interesting people in this world... "often a man (boy) needs help making the right choice!" All I know is we had our stuff together, and well...
After dinner we played a few card games until we decided that since we exhibited self control earlier in the afternoon, we were allowed to indulge in some gelato with "our" gelato man from down the street. He is such a sweet old guy with a friendly face who speaks very little English. After everyone ordered their gelatos and I vacuumed mine up real quick, I attempted to speak to him in Italian. I learned that his name is Roberto and he asked me where we were all from. I was proud because I remembered to use the formal form, and felt that it was a successful attempt.
Me dancing in the surf in Viareggio, Toscana, Italy |
Tomorrow we are going to Pisa to check out the "Leaning Tower" in its natural habitat! We are also hopefully checking out the seaside for a bit! I am excited to visit a new city in Italy! Already have been here for ONE WEEK! It is so crazy how time flies! All I have to say is live life to the fullest. Don't live in the past or wish your present away for the future, live in the moment! This is YOUR life and you only get this ONE chance. Do what makes you happy, be with the people who matter, and travel because it is worth it. Live your life as if everything is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
"You know why I smile? Because it's worth it..."--Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
This rocks Rachele. I am reading every word of every log and loving it!! Enjoy it all. Of course you are doing that without me telling you to as clearly your blog shows! I am living this with you. Love the descriptives. As you eat I am gaining weight... As you meet Italian boys I am thinking how exciting it would be to steal a kiss from someone that speaks little to no English but is a dreamy Italian with dark hair and dark eyes to match. I too loved the David and not just his deeply veined hands. I remember the cappuccinos, fresh bread, morning pastries! Homemade pastas and tasty house chiani in every restaurant. Just take it all in my darling girl. Love you, AC