Friday, February 28, 2014


Emily, Christina, & Gianfranco
I just waned to write a short little post about how wonderful it is to have a professor who cares... or maybe who is just super Italian & loves loves loves his coffee.

But anyway, today I walked to my class, & on the eve of Spring Break there were only 3 of us there (granted on a normal day there are only 5, but that's besides the point).  So... we sit down & pull out the material for the day, always hoping on a day like this your professor will surprise you with a "class is canceled, ciao ragazze!"  It just never happens...

But today it did! He turned to the 3 of us & asked us if we like coffee & he decided we would make the trek to Starbucks.  He payed for our drinks, we sat outside in the beautiful blue sky, & we just chatted about our lives (in Italian, of course)!  He took a shot of espresso in one gulp & the rest of pulled an American & sipped.  I know I mentioned this before, but it is I weird dichotomy that in Italy, people sip their alcohol & take shots of coffee, while Americans take shots of alcohol & sip their coffee... I just think that's pretty funny & Gianfranco was the perfect example!

It was just nice to have a sweet surprise!  Sometimes a day like this can trickle down to just one word: BLISS.


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