Monday, February 10, 2014

resolution re-look.

So it's been a little over a month now since we all made our New Year's resolutions!  Maybe it's time we all take a second look to see how we did?

1. Run a half marathon.
Give me 2 weeks & I'll get back to you!

2. Learn to make a new favorite meal.
Well that depends... does adding a new ingredient to a stir fry count?

3. Make straight A's!
Hopefully... "I get by with a little help from my teachers!!!!"

4. Figure out my life? (possible?!?)
Found the answer... NO!

5. Volunteer more around Gainesville.
Actually... I am volunteering as a photographer at Balance 180 Gym!

6. Become the first female president. (casual)

7. Get out & meet new people!
I walked the streets of downtown & midtown & attempted casual talk...

8. Speak Italian for an entire day.

9. Run at least 3 times a week.   

10. Lose 8 pounds.
Since I wrote this... no, since fall, yes.

11. Successfully control my portion sizes at meal times.
Does self control exist?

12. Find the cure for cancer. (winner)
Scorpio, Capricorn?

13. Talk to my relatives more often.
My cousin is visiting this weekend... WHATTT!

14. Clean out my closet. (I am a hoarder... the truth comes out & the first step is admitting to my problem.  I am Rachele & I am obsessed with clothes)
So far I have put 3 shirts in a bag... is that good enough?

15. Learn to like tomatoes. (Why must they be in everything?!?)
Learning is a lot harder than I thought....

16. Plan a spring break adventure with friends.
Bahamas cruise here I come! SB2014!

17. Make my bed every day. (EVERY day)
Do Monday mornings count?

18. Read at least 10 books for pleasure.
Maybe this summer I will knock this one out... but maybe not.

19. Continue writing in my blog.
Must I answer this?

20. Embrace the future.
Can my future at least try to embrace me back?

I'm living now... so I guess this one is a no brainer! 

So I guess I've got some work to do in the resolution department... but what about you?  Did that plan to work out more actually work out (I'm so punny)!!  Did you actually continue to dress nice for class?  Do try to find that bright side in every situation?  Did you continue to tell the people who matter that you care about them?  Did you keep throwing out compliments for no reason?  

Well... if not, you should!  2015 is only a few months away! Make 2014 count!

Go back & finish what you started!


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