Thursday, January 9, 2014


It's funny because your life tends to follow a routine... between waking up & eating dinner, nothing truly remarkable happens in a normal day.  I often sit in front of my blinking cursor wondering, did I do anything worth blogging about today?  Usually nothing gets written because the mundane occurrences of every day life don't seem all that exciting & honestly, it's hard to express "normal" when you have had the opportunity to express "great." 

Everyone wants that outrageous day to talk about... those semesters in Italy, those crazy instances of serendipity, that time you learned how to drive for the first time, New Years Eve, that time your cat knocked over the laundry detergent & caused quite the scene, when you won the championship soccer match, & 21st birthdays.  Because those days are memorable.  You know exactly what happened on those days of your life because they stood out against the rest, they meant something bigger than a scheduled day at school.  Usually I can't even remember what I had for breakfast because it was all just so... MUNDANE.  You could have done it with your eyes closed.

Recently I watched a movie called, "About Time" (with Rachel McAdams... if that peeks your interest), which explored a man's life who was diagnosed with the ability to time travel.  I don't know exactly what was so moving about that film, but it delved into the  concept that I love so dearly & try myself to live by... "living in the moment."

At first the main character's process was erratic & left him pulled in so many different directions, but then he realized that living each day twice let him enjoy the simplicities & greatness of the mundane.  He finally closed with this perspective on life: "The truth is I now don't travel back at all, not even for the day, I just try to live every day as if I've deliberately come back to this one day, to enjoy it, as if it was the full final day of my extraordinary, ordinary life."

If every day were Christmas or New Years, it would become mundane as well... that is what makes these marked moments on our calendars so special.  However, to get from point A to point B, we must sift through the mundane life has to offer.  & I will tell you, the mundane is actually what makes life so great.  Without it you wouldn't really be living at all.

The advice "About Time" offered inspired me to look at life in all it's simplicity.  To notice the little things... even if some of them weren't all that great, because each instance is what makes you YOU.


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