Thursday, January 23, 2014

be bold.

Life is about being bold & living a little bit.  I may be in college & I may be working now for a "better, brighter future," but that future can only get a little brighter if I include a little bolder.  Those "whim" moments make life interesting & spontaneous.

Like that time you jumped onto the motorcycle even though you knew your mom would kill you (*ahem* mom), or that time you went skydiving & told your parents after that you lived to tell the tale, or that time you got that boy's number because one dance was not enough.  That's what life is all about. LIVING!    

It's okay to step outside your comfort zone & get a little crazy.  I found this sticker once in a funky store in Asheville that said, "Let your inner kid out to play."  I don't know why it spoke to me, but I liked it.  & when I look at that sticker, it reminds me that breaking out of that collegiate shell every once in a while during a blue moon is a-okay!

Now I know what you are probably saying... Rachele, I know you & you are NOT crazy.  & honestly, you'd be right.  I am no "crazy connoisseur" & I really like how plans make me breathe a little easier & keep my week by week life on track.  If I didn't have my planner/agenda & my morning runs on lock down I might explode, BUT I do let that inner kid in me out to play & I try to step out of my comfort zone now & again.  It ain't easy, but it's worth it!

The PROOF ladies & gentlemen
If you don't believe me than I will do my best to persuade you... I rarely go out.  I dance like people ARE watching.  I love staying home, snuggling with a warm blanket & reading or watching a movie with friends.  I like my mom's opinion.  I struggle with extensive decision-making.  I like the second opinion (& the third), but I hate it when the second & third opinions I begged for don't match up.  I like neatness & planning in advance.  & I like 3 meals a day.  My life sounds pretty straight forward & not very spontaneous... but every once in a while, I put on my "hipster" glasses (I am a poser... pretender if you are my dad), & I "dance like no one's watching.

About these glasses... they have magical powers.  They are kind of like the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants."  They look good on everyone & they accompany some of the best memories.

If you are feeling like spontaneity is not when of your things, like it is a struggle for me... maybe you should purchase some invisible glasses (only 10 Euro at your local Roman vendor station).  They hold the crazy & make you believe no one is watching.  & let's be honest... all those "watchers" are probably just as scared as you are.  Actually they are probably more scared of you (& probably jealous because of the whole glasses thing) than you are of them!

In other words... get out there & live!  I am working on taking my advice as well... this is a personal motivator as well as a public proposal.  Let's all try a little bit harder to make life count!


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