If you know me, than you know I am not too crazy. I follow most the rules, I am always on time, I like food, I like photos, I enjoy sports, I like people, I like camp, I like my parents, I like wine nights, I like adventures, I like being outside in the day time & I don't like leaving my apartment after dark. If you know me at all... I think that pretty much sums me up.
This weekend I almost got to do all my favorite things:
-I followed most rules.
-I made it Charleston at almost exactly 5pm... even though Chloe was with me ;)
-I took 7576537 photos & probably annoyed Chloe because I was her personal paparazzi all weekend.
-I watched some (weak) football.
-I spent some time with some new & some old.
-I didn't get camp, but I felt close by.
-I didn't get to see my parents, but I know I walked along the same streets they did from this summer.
-No wine, but something a bit different.
-I had an adventure in the best of places.
-& I spent time outside exploring with my mains.
However, this weekend I even explored my "leaving the apartment after dark" side & ventured into the streets of Charleston for my friend's 22nd birthday (am I really celebrating 22nd birthdays right now? How did I get this old?)! But yeah, we braved the streets of Charleston! & this homebody had fun!
Besides the quaint charm the city offers in the day time, the city has some great places to visit with friends at night! The bars are all so classy & cute compared to the clusters found in Gainesville. As much as I love my second home here in "Gainesvegas" or my personal (more accurate) favorite, "Rainesville," Charleston was just perfect. The homes were southern with their colorful shutters & side decks to catch the summer breeze off the Ashley River. The trees were lined down the cobblestone roads, which the horse & carriages bounded along, the people had a pleasant air about them, & the weather was 73563557343 times better than anything you'll find in Florida.
Anyway... I just had the best time wandering with some good friends this weekend.
I loved road tripinnnn' with my bestie, Chloe.
I loved seeing Emily & meeting all her fantastic friends.
I loved spending time with her parents & taking the carriage ride through the city.
I LOVED the food, going out & my Moscow Mule.
I loved seeing the beach & feeling like the protagonist of a Nicholas Sparks original.
I loved (& always do) shopping & taking in the culture.
I loved it all! Thank you so much Emily, Madison, Alli, Emily's parents & anyone else who made this weekend so awesome!
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