I am going to start off this post with a big HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY to my socially awesome, happy & smiley, traveling obsessed, & friendliest friend, Bex! I hope you have a great birthday with lots of family, friends, fun, & favorites! Wish I could be there to celebrate it with you! You deserve the best day ever!
Well... I will start the story now. In 2009 my "real" family & I went on a cruise to Scandinavia (I know... casual), anyway, if you have ever been on a Royal Caribbean Cruise before than you'd know that there is a section on the ship for a club of teenagers called "fuel," where I found myself a lot. I didn't know many people, & for 2 whole weeks I was forced to be social & meet new people. Going on a European cruise truly helps you meet people from all over the world: Canada, South America, & mostly... you guessed it, Europe! I really enjoyed getting to know everyone & I liked them all a lot, but you know how it ends... "blah blah blah, I hope to see you again someday/let's get together another time" (embrace), & you walk off thinking, I will NEVER see those people again! Usually you're right, but sometimes you're not......
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Our only picture together from the cruise... rough, but reality 2009 |
6 months goes by & thoughts about the cruise have waned, leaving me a normal kid once again until one day I got a facebook message from my friend Bex from the cruise explaining her huge plans to visit the United States over the summer & wondering if she could stay a few nights here along the way. I asked my mom & surprisingly she complied, but as the dates began to get closer & closer, she became more worried that Bex could be a mass serial killer planning a heist along the East Coast. The truth is... she never actually thought Bex would make the journey over here. But once again... Bex proved us wrong & she flew into Orlando with a new doo, a bright red pack, knee highs with converses, more color than anyone around, flailing her arms, & with no serial killing on the mind! She was here & she was awesome!
I have to admit... I was a little worried myself since I had never hung out with her unless there were 475464 other people there too. I couldn't help, but wonder... would we get along?
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2010: Bristolian attacks Florida with enthusiasm |
Well... the answer is, yes we did & so did she & my parents, & she & my friends, & she & my pets, & she & EVERYONE! You can't not like this girl. & that is how she became my Bristolian sister & my mom became her "American mum." We kayaked, mini-golfed & had batting practice, wind surfed, ate Hershey bars & Butterfingers, swam, tanned, & everything that is apparently "American" & needed to be crossed off the bucket list. Most importantly... Bex taught us a few things. The chicken is the most dangerous animal in Europe. OKAY! Stop picturing giant, evil, human devouring chickens with huge claws & menacing snarls... we were talking about salmonella, duhhh. & no... that is NOT what I pictured when I heard this bizarre remark! Well...
Did I mention a week later she met us again in New York for a short time? Well she did. You can't help but admire someone with the guts & personality to fly half way across the world to meet up & backpack with people you just barely know. More than admiration... wonder.
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Me, American Mum, Bristolian Sister taking on the Big Apple |
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2011: Bath |

That vacation ended with Bex & I closer than ever. We made a deal we would plan on seeing each other every year at least once for as long as we could keep it up. In a way, we are pen-pals because we keep in contact: sometimes through letters, mostly through facebook, & annually in person. It is hard to stay in contact with people sometimes, but that is what is so amazing about having a friend like Bex... she makes the world seem small.
And that's when she decided to study abroad in Mississippi (pronounced Missipee) & became a Southerner. Did they play quidditch in the South? Well... Bex did. Bex did it all & became a true Southern Miss Golden Eagle. "To the Top!" She just never slows down!
And luckily... since she was so close, it was easy to plan a vacation over Christmas Break to Colorado. & Bex came too! Wouldn't want to have it any other way. It's funny... because my brother Scott also met us out there & he had never actually met Bex before, but said, "It feels like I already have." That's just the way Bex is. You just feel like you know her even when you don't.
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2012: Snowmass, Colorado |
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2013 |
So far... 5 years... 5 visits... 0 murders... 10990394754 memories.
As I told you up front: this is a story about how Bex became family & I'd like to make one last shout out to her for being one amazing person! Thanks for being such a great friend/sister all these years & Happy Birthday!
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