Savannah, Brie, Christina, Tarah, Me! |
Whaaat! |
Today was awesome, and that my friends, is an understatement! Christina and I woke up pretty early to meet the Benefields at the train station where Florence for Fun picked us up for our Chianti wine tasting adventure! On the way we sketched on some gypsies who were scheming plans to attack travelers around the train station. They even had their little children in on the ploy. It is an interesting phenomenon, these gypsies. They walk around wearing raggedy clothes, long skirts, little wedges with socks, and long greasy braids begging for money after planning out their attack while smoking and carrying large gelato bags from the gelato festival that they... paid for? Wait... I thought they were begging from me? Hmmm... smells fishy.
Reppin' |
Anyway... the driver arrived after Savannah and Tarah raced home because they forgot the trip vouchers (Oops!) and we headed south toward the heart of Chianti for our horseback riding! The driver was crazy. Hands down one of the scariest, but probably one of the most fun drives I have ever been on. Italy practically has no street laws and rules... I actually heard somewhere that traffic lights are discretionary in Naples if you catch my drift. So, we we driving about 130 km/hr, weaving in and out of traffic in an eight seater van on the highway. At least we could see on the highway... eventually we turned off toward the hills where the roads turned into winding, practically one-way (except they weren't!!) tiny streets that had blind blind turns every couple of seconds! And our driver didn't slow down around those bends, no, he sped up! It got real.

All I can say is I practically jumped out of that van when we got to the winery, happy to be in one of the most beautiful and picturesque locations I have ever seen in my life. The hills were vibrant shades of green and villas, wineries, and castles dotted the land in the distance. The sky, although slightly cloudy at this point, was bright blue and wonderful! Unfortunately, still no sunflowers because of the weather, but on the bright side, today was the hottest it has been so far! Hopefully this is the end of the cold spell and the start of the growth of sunflowers! It was also nice just being out of the city for change. Fiesole was a nice break from the fast pace life in Firenze, but Chianti was something else. It was beautiful, quiet, and what you expect when you think about the countryside of Toscana. You know what you pictured! Isn't this exactly what you thought? I didn't even know how urban Firenze actually was until I arrived here three weeks ago! I only picture the rural lands like this when I think of Italy. Rookie mistake?

Allora, we first stopped at a beautiful villa to drop off two other ladies who were on our bus with us before heading down the hill to the stables. We were literally
riding in a wine wonderland! I can't remember my horse's name, but he was a little feisty at times. Horses have always been a skeptical animal to me. They have a mind of their own and are huge! I mean, how can something so big be considered a pet? Well... at first my horse really liked staying close to the edge of cliffs, making me a little nervous because I heard horror stories about Christina's suicidal horse in North Carolina, but I finally controlled my reins (pun intended), and my horse and I had a nice, leisurely walk through grape vines and through pastures of apparently delicious-looking grass... just the way I like it. I have seen far too many crazy horses, so I was happy that I actually had the chance to see what was around my during the ride. I didn't want my horse to sense my fear... apparently they can do that. For what purpose I will never know. I am also glad they had the wine tasting after the horse ride because it wouldn't it be considered "Riding Under the Influence" (an RUI) if you drink and ride? Sounds dangerous.
Christina's horse, Luna. Mine was too feisty to take a picture with me!! |

The riding lasted about an hour and a half with Christina trailing with the slowest horse ever named Luna and Savannah leading with a horse that preferred trotting over anything else. Two adorable puppies followed us the whole way too! They were so cute! they just played the entire time, chasing each other through the vineyard, not a care in the world... if I were to be an animal, it would have been those puppies. There was pure joy radiating off those panting pups. When we finally got back to the stable, we of course took tons of horsey pictures and got ready to visit the winery called Torciano!
We walked up to this villa attached to the stable to freshen up. They offered us a complimentary glass of wine (an appetizer for our wine tasting) and some homemade honeys. The honey was fantastic. You could even see the bee guy working with the bees right down the hill, wearing absolutely no bee suit. Apparently he was confident enough that they wouldn't sting him!

Anyway, our driver appeared out of no where (we probably couldn't even see the car because he was driving so fast) and we drove to Torciano for an amazing three course lunch and eight course wine tasting (yes, I said eight. No joke. And I can barely do three...). The owner's son greeted us at the gate and brought us into this great room stacked with wines of all different kinds, vintages, and color and we sat down at a long dining table for our feast. To start, the wife brought us a plate of Pecorino cheese, homemade salamis, olive oil coated bread, and a simple salad drizzled with balsamic and we were given four wines to taste with these items in our giant goblets. Two, Chianti Classicos, one a Brunello, and another the only white wine produced in Toscana, a Vernaccia. Being in Toscana, the dominant grapes grown in this region are Sangiovese. It was all so perfect and the owner's son was very funny as he taught us the proper way to test a wine: how to hold the bottom of the stem with your dominant hand, swirl, smell for at least to seconds while looking down at your feet, and taste; taking in each flavor. It was quite the show. Of course, the wife then brought out the next course of a vegetable stew. Again, it was amazing. I really don't know what was in there (well, what was in there? That one's for you Tarah!), but the flavors when mixed with the red wines were fantastic! After this course, the owner told us to finish our glasses or pour them out for our next set of wines (I am ashamed to say I could not finish the wine and had to pour it out... wine ain't cheap y'all). The wines were given to us, both in order of what foods to pair them with and the vintage. The white wine was young and was eaten with soft cheeses and light meats, while the later wines were served with a meat lasagne; our next course. Strangely enough, they sprinkled truffle oil on the lasagne... not my first choice in topping, but it was surprisingly tasty! Who knew? The next set of wines were tasty, but one in particular was so good! It is fun tasting wines and actually learning what flavors you like when paired with food. I never knew how much those flavors mattered. Wine is a food.

It was funny because at one point one of the ladies in our group asked the owner which wine he liked the most and he responded with, "they are all my children, how can I pick one?" There is something very special about wine here in Italy. There is a certain magic that surrounds it. You don't know it until you are immersed into the wine culture, but it is really a cool thing. For a small dessert, tiny biscotti were brought out with an orangey dessert wine, which wasn't my favorite, but was interesting. I guess you are supposed to dip the cookie into the wine (blah blah blah), but at this point I was so full and done with wine. I barely drank two glasses and I was feeling warm. These goblets weren't tastes! They were practically meals themselves!

The winery had a beautiful garden in front where we hung out for a while after our feast. Our driver let loose some geese and a chicken(?)... random. We of course played with them because we are children and love to have fun. Somehow the chicken ended up on my head, casual. But it was a lot of fun. We finally left for our last stop of the day, San Gimignano, which is a walled in city of about 700 people. Apparently, I didn't know at the time, I visited this cute little medieval hill town back in 1999. We sure did a lot and I don't remember a thing... *sigh*.
Us kids in 1999... Posting up in San Gimignano. We look really happy! |
San Gimignano is a cool town encircled by a giant wall and is famous for all of it's maintained towers from the medieval times. It was really pretty because of the panoramic views of the Tuscan hills. Normally the pastures would be full of flowers, but again, it has been too cold. It was still a sight to see!
Even better, the whole ride over to the city, our driver blasted music and we were all dancing. Made the drive even more safe! He was a very funny guy. At one point, a truck was stopped on the side of the road and he randomly parked next to him and we all just kept dancing in our seats at the man in the car. At first he was super confused and kind of looked at us like we were crazy, but no one, not even an elderly perplexed man could not smile at a car full of people dancing to Italian hip-hop music. it's just not possible, and out cracked a smile! Then we sped off as quickly as it all happened.

While walking through the streets of the city we came across this strange museum... literally called the Torture Museum and it is exactly what you think it is about, torture. It is a museum about the devices used in the medieval times. Therefore, we had to reenact the scene, our driver joined in as well. We had a really great day, simply walking through this awesome city. We watched a wedding procession; the bride beautiful in the warm sun and her groom the happiest person in the square. It was so nice! A perfect day for... you guessed, GELATO! We ate our gelato on some steps, somewhere near some of the scenes where "Under the Tuscan Sun" was filmed. Everything was great!
On the drive home we all passed out in the car. The day was just so long and tiring and perfect and honestly, we were all too scared to watch our driver swerve in and out of traffic at ten million miles an hour for the second time! All in all the day was average... don't you think?
JOKES! It was great! Another early and fun day tomorrow at the Cinque Terre! How a great evening and I will see you again tomorrow!
Bacci e Abbracci!
Sorority pose comes to Italy