Wednesday, August 14, 2013

blueberry steak.

As my going away (again) dinner, my parents wanted to give me a taste of my summer with the blueberry steak that I ate at Acqua al Due in Firenze!

Although the meal did not quite compare to that of the Florentine special, my mom as chef and me, her sous, we created a pretty delicious dinner!  The sauce was the most intensive part: filled with so many different flavors, that you seriously would not expect.  Mustard, ketchup, blueberries (obviously), thyme, molasses, & the list goes on.  It seemed like we just kept adding things.  Who thought of that... if you throw all these conflicting food items together you will create something good?

Well... I am glad they did.  Because now I can eat well! 

Anyway... tomorrow I go off to the Reitz Union for 10 days of recruitment!  Pi Chi 2013!  I will post 198558 pictures of my hat & all the Wonderful Pi Chi antics when I return!


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