Tuesday, July 2, 2013

colorado colors.

Colorado literally comes from the Spanish word meaning, "colored red."  The name is basically derived from the deep red sandstone that cakes the mountains during the summer time.  However, when I think of Colorado, I see so many other beautiful & bright colors that play a major part in what makes everything so perfect.

Such as the color WHITE in the winter...

Or the color YELLOW in the valleys...
Or the color BLUE in the sky...

Or the color GREEN in the trees...

 Or the color PURPLE in the flowers...

And, of course, the colors ORANGE & BLUE everywhere for both the Broncos & my Gators...
I am a Gator Girl
Colorado is the land of colors.  Not only does red appear in the sandstone on the mountains, but in the Indian's paintbrush on the hillsides, the Aspen leaves in autumn, & in my heart all year long!

"Home is where the heart is, & my heart is in Colorado."    

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