So... 26.2 hours, $1,528,330.16, & 383537246253 smiles later, Dance Marathon at UF is complete & more successful than ever before! It is exciting knowing that our student-run philanthropy is the biggest in the Southeastern United States!
I am so incredibly proud of everyone in their efforts to make this THE BEST Dance Marathon ever! It took over a year to plan this huge event & hundreds of hours, but it truly showed through the smiles of the miracle children as well as the loving faces of every dancer, delegate, dancer buddy, staff member, captain, & overall that breathed, ate, & slept dance marathon all weekend.

I know the Children's Miracle Network will use that money for something great that will save thousands & thousands of kids in the near future!
I remember my Freshman year of college being force fed Dance Marathon in the Fall & thinking...
Why is there so much hype about something 47647854 months away?? It took one glance inside the O'Connell center & the words of the Miracle Families for me to get it.
After being on staff as a freshman, a dancer as a sophomore, & on staff again this year, I can't get enough of such a great cause. I loved making a small difference in an event that makes a huge mark on the medical world of Shands & the kids.
I already can't wait until my final DM next year (not that it's my last), but just to see how much more we improve & make strides toward saving more & more kids. Just in my 3 short years here at UF, I have seen the total rise about $800,000, which is INCREDIBLE! I love seeing the dedication students have to this event & the smiles they put on the kids' faces. It is also nice to see students completely sober for an entire weekend, while tking time out of their busy schedules, & being 100% selfless for the sake of families & kids in need. Not only did I see FTK shaved into peoples' heads, but I saw it in action. This is REAL philanthropy y'all.
So I would like to throw a special shoutout to my roommate, Rebecca (above in middle), Sami (below on left), & Nicole (not pictured) for rocking DM for their third year in a row! 78.6 hours of dancing & they are still looking good! "Can't sit, won't sit," or should it be "can't sit, can't sit?" That is the question.
Sami & Tarah rockin' the BYOS DM style! |
BUT, I would like to throw out an even more special shoutout to the 6 Kappas who are 4 year dancers! It is so impressive to dance just 1 time, but these rockstars didn't stop standing for a total of 104.8 hours!
I was also so happy to see the dedication of the dancer buddies/visitors. No one can stay on their feet for 26.2 hours without a friendly, non-delirious face to get them through the hours. But sisterly & true is maximized when that friend is willing to give foot massages for an hour to her sore-footed friends! You go Glenn Coco, aka Sarah! You are a SUPER SISTER forever!
Last but not least, I would like to mention that I plan on continuing my shirts! If you follow this link:
https://www.facebook.com/bringyourownshirt.byos.rachele you can find my Facebook page with all the shirts I have made for DM donations! Please like my page, browse through the ones I have made so far, bring me a shirt, tell your friends, & love a style that is your own! (I have a small example (above) of Sami & Tarah wearing their DM-related shirts & loving them up!!) I raised about $300 on the shirts alone this years & I can't stop, won't stop. VISIT ME AT: "BYOS: Bring Your Own Shirt" y'all FTK!