Friday, February 28, 2014


Emily, Christina, & Gianfranco
I just waned to write a short little post about how wonderful it is to have a professor who cares... or maybe who is just super Italian & loves loves loves his coffee.

But anyway, today I walked to my class, & on the eve of Spring Break there were only 3 of us there (granted on a normal day there are only 5, but that's besides the point).  So... we sit down & pull out the material for the day, always hoping on a day like this your professor will surprise you with a "class is canceled, ciao ragazze!"  It just never happens...

But today it did! He turned to the 3 of us & asked us if we like coffee & he decided we would make the trek to Starbucks.  He payed for our drinks, we sat outside in the beautiful blue sky, & we just chatted about our lives (in Italian, of course)!  He took a shot of espresso in one gulp & the rest of pulled an American & sipped.  I know I mentioned this before, but it is I weird dichotomy that in Italy, people sip their alcohol & take shots of coffee, while Americans take shots of alcohol & sip their coffee... I just think that's pretty funny & Gianfranco was the perfect example!

It was just nice to have a sweet surprise!  Sometimes a day like this can trickle down to just one word: BLISS.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014


What a whirlwind! 10 months ago I signed up for a half marathon... but not just any half marathon, the Disney Princess Half Marathon!  At the time, just the act of signing up for it gave me the butterflies.

Let's start from the beginning: before October 2013, I could not even run more than 3 miles without giving up.  Not only did I not like running, but this Florida heat is just rough... I have always been pretty active though, through soccer, lacrosse, snowboarding, & hiking, but there is something different about running.  There is no ball you are chasing after, there are no lifts to carry you up the steep parts, and there is no team to help you in a bind.  It's just you, your sneakers, & a straight shot.

I used to hate running.  Ask any of my high school teammates or my coach... I literally complained every time the word "conditioning" or the dreaded, "everybody to the end line" came up during practice.  How could I run (or sprint really) for an entire 90 minute soccer game, but start panicking at the idea of a full-field suicide?

The answer isn't really clear, but once I started college & I didn't have soccer in my life 24/7, I resorted to my worst enemy.  What is that saying again?  Oh yeah... "keep your enemies closer."  Well my enemy became a companion freshman year to keep away the true threat, public enemy #1, the horrid "Freshman 15, or really 25."

I reluctantly ran to make sure I didn't pack on quite that many pounds & started enjoying it a bit more.  The key for me is that I need a friend to keep me going.  When it's just me, no one is there to make sure I keep moving.  & I may have mentioned before... my self control isn't all that strong when it comes to chocolate & running.  But over the course of my 3 years in Gainesville, I wouldn't say I became an avid runner, but a few times a week I ran a couple of miles & thought that I was a ninja.  I wasn't.    

Anyway, just about a year ago when all my friends trekked to Orlando for the Disney Princess Half-Marathon, I sat back in the comfort of my own apartment thinking, there is NO, I repeat NO way I could ever run that much... those people are nuts.  But I still stared as their pictures popped up on facebook with some sort of uncontrollable jealousy.  & pretty much the next day a half marathon appeared on my ever-increasing bucket list.

So now we are back to October 2013: I can't run more than 3 miles, the weather is still blazing, I am already scared about the half, & I need new sneakers, but I know since I have never truly run before that it is time to start training.  8 am wake ups was rough... sometimes I would even hope it was pouring when I woke up so I would have an excuse, but I had to get my body in motion.   

I would like to send a shoutout to my 3 running buddies that I acquired over the 6 months of training: Bizzy LaRue, Lauren Maginness, & Courtney Hughes.  I literally could not have woken up early 3+ times a week to run in the cold or have moved across the start line without you all.  You guys are!  Also, a thank you to my parents for coming up to Orlando to support me & hug me even when I am sweaty & disgusting!

So the race... it was AMAZING!  Although I didn't stop to appreciate all the princesses, villains, princes, & mouses along the way, I got to dance to "Frozen," give some Mickey Mouse high fives, run through the Magic Kingdom Castle, take a jumping picture coming out of the castle, eat some Gu, stare at some weird costumes, find my parents cheering me on in the dark, run 13.1 miles without stopping, wake up at 3 am, & cross the Disney Princess Half Marathon finish line all for the first time!  Everything was 100% worth it!    

It was probably one of the greatest experiences I have had & although I am still sore & my body is asking why... I am happy I did it!  What's amazing about the human body is that no matter how often you say "I can't," you can.  As I mentioned before, 6 months ago, 3 miles was a huge feat, but with just a little dedication & some practice, the body can change!  It is all mental.  Get that "I can't" garbage outta your head & replace it with some "I can" because I know you can!

So to sum it all up...  get out there & try something you never thought you could.  Thinking is a whole lot different that performing & I think your body will surprise you!


Monday, February 10, 2014

resolution re-look.

So it's been a little over a month now since we all made our New Year's resolutions!  Maybe it's time we all take a second look to see how we did?

1. Run a half marathon.
Give me 2 weeks & I'll get back to you!

2. Learn to make a new favorite meal.
Well that depends... does adding a new ingredient to a stir fry count?

3. Make straight A's!
Hopefully... "I get by with a little help from my teachers!!!!"

4. Figure out my life? (possible?!?)
Found the answer... NO!

5. Volunteer more around Gainesville.
Actually... I am volunteering as a photographer at Balance 180 Gym!

6. Become the first female president. (casual)

7. Get out & meet new people!
I walked the streets of downtown & midtown & attempted casual talk...

8. Speak Italian for an entire day.

9. Run at least 3 times a week.   

10. Lose 8 pounds.
Since I wrote this... no, since fall, yes.

11. Successfully control my portion sizes at meal times.
Does self control exist?

12. Find the cure for cancer. (winner)
Scorpio, Capricorn?

13. Talk to my relatives more often.
My cousin is visiting this weekend... WHATTT!

14. Clean out my closet. (I am a hoarder... the truth comes out & the first step is admitting to my problem.  I am Rachele & I am obsessed with clothes)
So far I have put 3 shirts in a bag... is that good enough?

15. Learn to like tomatoes. (Why must they be in everything?!?)
Learning is a lot harder than I thought....

16. Plan a spring break adventure with friends.
Bahamas cruise here I come! SB2014!

17. Make my bed every day. (EVERY day)
Do Monday mornings count?

18. Read at least 10 books for pleasure.
Maybe this summer I will knock this one out... but maybe not.

19. Continue writing in my blog.
Must I answer this?

20. Embrace the future.
Can my future at least try to embrace me back?

I'm living now... so I guess this one is a no brainer! 

So I guess I've got some work to do in the resolution department... but what about you?  Did that plan to work out more actually work out (I'm so punny)!!  Did you actually continue to dress nice for class?  Do try to find that bright side in every situation?  Did you continue to tell the people who matter that you care about them?  Did you keep throwing out compliments for no reason?  

Well... if not, you should!  2015 is only a few months away! Make 2014 count!

Go back & finish what you started!
