21st birthday dinner at Rocco's Tacos! |
In the words of Ferris Bueller, "life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." I'd say Ferris was pretty right... per usual. Because just yesterday, I turned 21 after only a few blinks of the eyes.
All around the house I see pictures covering the walls of us 3 kids in the days I don't remember: pictures of me running around in a diaper & a little blue hat, days when dressing up in a hula skirt with a coconut bra was completely acceptable, the pictures of vacations that are somewhere in my heart, the day Daniel held me wearing his "I'm the big brother" shirt & Scott next to him in the "I'm the middle child" shirt when I first came home from the hospital, pictures of me torturing our cat in a stroller (if you catch my drift), ones of the 3 of us cheesing for a photographer, & countless other forgotten, but not lost memories of my wonderful childhood.
I must say it was a pretty great childhood. I was pretty lucky to end up where I did; in a loving home with 2 great parents & 2 older brothers, who sort of liked having me around... I guess. I was the baby... clearly most loved, most adorable, & definitely most favorite &, the truth is, it is still true today! 2013 was pretty great for me, but I am willing to accept this 2014 business...
So, as I sit on the cusp of 2014, with an astounding amount of new-found wisdom with another, more mature year on my belt, I think it is only appropriate to make 21 resolutions in honor of my short 21 years.
1. Run a half marathon.
2. Learn to make a new favorite meal.
3. Make straight A's!
4. Figure out my life? (possible?!?)
5. Volunteer more around Gainesville.
6. Become the first female president. (casual)
7. Get out & meet new people!
8. Speak Italian for an entire day.
9. Run at least 3 times a week
10. Lose 8 pounds.
11. Successfully control my portion sizes at meal times.
12. Find the cure for cancer. (winner)
13. Talk to my relatives more often.
14. Clean out my closet. (I am a hoarder... the truth comes out & the first step is admitting to my problem. I am Rachele & I am obsessed with clothes)
15. Learn to like tomatoes. (Why must they be in everything?!?)
16. Plan a spring break adventure with friends.
17. Make my bed every day. (EVERY day)
18. Read at least 10 books for pleasure.
19. Continue writing in my blog.
20. Embrace the future.
Ciao & have a safe & fun night!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome 2014!